Senin, 26 Januari 2009

Download Accelerator Plus + Crack

Download Accelerator Plus adalah sofware download manager, memungkinkan Anda untuk mendownload hingga 300% lebih cepat * dengan peningkatan kehandalan, melanjutkan dukungan dan pemulihan kesalahan. It searches for mirror sites that most effectively serve your downloads through multiserver connections for optimal utilization of dial-up or broadband connections. Penyalahgunaan situs mencari cermin yang paling efektif melayani Anda download melalui multiserver koneksi untuk pemanfaatan optimal dari dial-up atau koneksi broadband. DAP automatically recovers from shutdowns, lost connections, and other errors. Secara otomatis dari recovers memancing shutdowns, kehilangan sambungan, dan kesalahan lainnya. It is fully integrated into Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Opera, Mozilla/Firefox and offers a toolbar for Internet Explorer with a links catcher and a highlighter, providing the best possible performance from ANY Internet connection (dial-up, cable, DSL / ADSL, T1 etc.), allowing a Faster and more Reliable download experience. Hal ini sepenuhnya menjadi Netscape, Internet Explorer, dan Opera, Mozilla / Firefox dan menawarkan sebuah toolbar untuk Internet Explorer dengan link penangkap dan highlighter, memberikan kinerja terbaik dari koneksi Internet APAPUN (dial-up, kabel, DSL / ADSL , T1 dll), yang memungkinkan lebih cepat dan men-download Reliable pengalaman. It features auto-hang-up after downloading, proxy settings, scheduling, and a unique AlwaysResume service. It fitur auto-hang-up setelah download, pengaturan proxy, penjadwalan, dan yang unik AlwaysResume layanan.

DAP Features: Memancing Features:
- Preview pane – Preview downloads of Music and Video files - Preview pane - Pratinjau download dari file-file musik dan video
- Download list - Advanced management of downloads queues, priorities and statuses - Download daftar - Advanced pengelolaan antrian download, prioritas dan status
- File Information pane – Advanced information of downloaded files and sources - Informasi file pane - Advanced informasi dan sumber-download file
- Completed downloads list – Separate list of completed downloads - Selesai download daftar - Pisahkan daftar download selesai
- DAP Drive integration – Save downloads and Upload files to DAP Drive web storage - Integrasi memancing Drive - Menyimpan download dan Upload file ke web memancing Drive penyimpanan
- Media Center Tab – Conveniently manage your media files - Media Center Tab - nyaman mengelola file media
- Superior Usability – New interface with flexible design options - Superior usability - New interface dengan desain pilihan fleksibel
- Integrates with all browsers – Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla/Firefox - Terintegrasi dengan semua browser - Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla / Firefox

Download Accelerator Plus registered version includes: Download Accelerator Plus versi terdaftar termasuk:
- Zip Extract - download & extract specific files from zip archive - Zip Extract - download & extract file dari zip spesifik arsip
- Removal of the Banner Advertisement within the application - Removal of the Banner Advertisement dalam aplikasi
- DAP Skin Selection - Memancing Kulit Seleksi
- Management of site passwords and other relevant info (unlimited) - Manajemen situs password dan informasi lainnya yang relevan (unlimited)
- Tray icon minimization while downloading - Tray icon minimization saat men-download
- Prioritized technical support - Diprioritaskan dukungan teknis
- Extreme acceleration speed - for faster download rate - Extreme akselerasi kecepatan - untuk men-download lebih cepat menilai

Only with DAP Premium: Hanya dengan memancing Premium:
- Extremely faster - x10 connections per download! - Sangat cepat - x10 koneksi per download!
- Absolutely no advertisements! - Absolutely tanpa iklan!
- Totally customized download experience! - Totally disesuaikan pengalaman men-download!
- Shredder to totally eliminate files you don’t need! - Shredder totally untuk menghilangkan file yang tidak perlu!
- Trace Cleaner -keep your privacy after browsing! - Trace Cleaner-menjaga privasi Anda setelah browsing!
- Preview & extract zip files while downloading! - Preview & ekstrak file zip saat men-download!
- Cool new look, more comfortable management features! - Cool tampilan baru, lebih nyaman fitur manajemen!

DAP download manager specifications: download manager spesifikasi:
Supported Browsers IE 7.x | 5.x | 6.x Netscape 6.x | 7.x Opera 5 | 6 Mozilla | Firefox Didukung Browser IE 7.x | 5.x | 6.x Netscape 6.x | 7.x Opera 5 | 6 Mozilla | Firefox
Supported Platforms Windows 98 / ME / XP Windows NT4 / win2000 Windows Vista Platform didukung Windows 98 / ME / XP Windows NT4 / Win2000 Windows Vista

Download : Link1

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